Monday, June 4, 2007

Another Giveaway...

but this time its a little different. Check back each day starting today and leave a comment.
****Today's topic is: What you'd like to see happen next in the scrapbooking world.****

This will continue until Thursday night at mid-night, then the winner will be posted on Friday morning. Have fun and Happy Monday!!!!!


Lisa Martin said...

that's a tough question. I guess I'd like to see more genuine-ness from everyone. More true to the self, if that makes sense.
And more lss success!

Amber Ulmer said...

I agree w/Lisa, more REAL journaling, REAL honesty, u know? what better way to remember yourself at that point in your life other than just being real... and Id like to see more "new good scrappers" get recognition... u know? not the same faces/names.